Watch me talk about Composable Commerce

In June 2022 myself and a couple of my great colleagues - Danny & Holger - spoke to over 100 Salesforce customers and partners about Composable Commerce. It was the first time we spoke publicly about the idea that the important factor in decision making for headless or composable is the why.

Using Simon Sinek’s Start with Why model, I explained how many of the decisions behind choosing a composable solution are more like a “what” - and namely those “whats” involving building cool things. However, simply trying to make something cool can leave you a little hot under the collar.

There’s a lot more to consider that just what you want to build in order to have a successful headless implementation, and in this webinar I explain that.

I also started this webinar with a simple explanation of what headless/composable commerce is because I believe that many people are confused or embarrassed to admit they don’t really know. When I speak about headless I always assume there are people in the room who don’t fully understand it, which is usually true.

I honestly think this is a way that some more technical colleagues (perhaps conveniently) exclude the business from the conversation. So I make a point of ensuring that everyone is on the same page before we start any headless discussion.

At the end of the webinar the three of us had a panel discussion to talk over some of the typical questions and challenges we hear during implementations, which is also a great listen.

Of course this webinar refers to the Salesforce headless solutions because I worked there at the time, but the principles are the same for whatever technology you select.

Shout out also to Rossella, who’s idea it was to host this webinar and brought us all together!

Leave me a comment if you’ve got your own thoughts - I like to hear other opinions about this.

Equally, if you want to learn about headless & composable commerce for a couple of hours, would like some help with decision-making, or during an implementation - drop me an email to and at least let’s have a chat.


A year in relfection


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